"Remember the words of Chairman Mao: 'Its always darkest before it's totally black.'"
-John McCain
AND apparently Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Thats awesome! Maybe if a little less time was spent teaching creationism and a little more time teaching that "x-rated sex-ed class," that poor girl wouldn't be in this debacle.
AND after writing my last blog I came across Palin's alleged dislike of polar bears. Apparently she doesn't think they should be added to the endangered species list. Why you ask? I think it has a lot to do with her drive to drill in the National Parks up there. Thats not going to work so well with all those darn endangered species running around.
I changed up the background after trying to read one of my blogs and having my eyes hurt afterwards. The black background with the white lettering is no good for reading. My pictures will look a lot less sexy without the black background, but such is life.
god damn those polar bears! they should all die and go to hell!!! i love how this woman and all her only-been-vp-running-mate-for-one-week f*cked ups! i think it is only going to go downhill from here...
Hey! Hope all is well... just finished another semester so I'm that much closer to being done! As I was reading your blog the TV was comparing Palin to Jamie Lynn Spear's Mom, scary.
Your whole page is sexy.
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