"You are the music while the music lasts."
2. I always order a #2 with only cheese and ketchup when at McD's. For some reason, it tastes even better if it is being ordered at 4 am.
3. No matter what anyone thinks, my eyes are green. Not blue.
4. I hate Merlot.
5. I love war movies.
6. I've got a mean topspin serve in ping-pong. This was my only defense whilst playing with my older brother. He'd beat me every time. Jerk.
7. I got a concussion once from a lacrosse ball. Oddly enough, this occurred during a tennis match. I played anyway and we won. Take that North County!
8. 4 of my front teeth are crooked. You can see it if I am above you.
9. I had braces for 3 years.
10. I had a mean set of buckteeth when I was a little kid.
11. I never needed glasses until after going through my thesis.
12. I'm supposed to be wearing them now (for computing), but I never wear them.
13. When I was a little kid, I was convinced that I would someday marry Michael J. Fox.
14. After Michael J. Fox, I was in love with Jonathan Brandis.
15. My first (celebrity) crushes either killed themselves (Brandis) or got Parkinsons (Fox).
16. I first began to ride the metro (alone) at age 9.
17. I always knew I wanted to be an "artist."
18. As an adult, I now think it is immensely pompous to refer to myself as an "artist." I'll stick to "conceptual photographer."
19. The first camera I used was one I stole from my brother. What? He was too busy playing ping-pong.
19. I know all the words to all the songs in Les Miserables.
20. I don't like the texture of fish that swim. The taste is also pretty gross too. I only eat shellfish.
21. I never learned higher math than algebra.
22. When I gain weight, the first place you see it is my face.
23. I lost about 20 lbs. after getting my MFA.
24. I love angry chick music.
25. My least favorite color is pink.
26. Grateful Dead, The Rolling Stones, and Genesis all remind me of riding in my dad's car as a little kid.
27. The Eagles and the Beatles remind me of riding in my mom's car as a little kid.
28. My favorite band as a kid was Queen.
29. I almost minored in Criminal Justice when I was in college.
30. I was in ROTC in high school. For a year. That certainly didn't help my image.
31. I've always had a semi-secret desire/curiosity about joining the military.
32. I've taken 2 guys down. One was out of self defense. The other was probably because you aren't supposed to hit a girl back.
33. I should have been Asian.
34. I prefer regular ol' Budweiser to Bud Lite or Miller Lite.
35. I detest shorts/pants that have something written across the butt. ex: *PINK* *CAPE COD*
36. My first concert was Chris Isaac/Tina Turner.
38. I have a hard time imagining how people ever survived without lotion, chapstick and toothpaste.
39. My dad used to cut my fingernails so short they would bleed. As an adult, I can't stand to have them much longer than that.
40. One of my biggest turn offs is a guy with long nails.
41. I am part Cherokee. I attribute my ability to get tan despite being so fair solely to this.
42. My father's side is also somewhat distantly related to Abraham Lincoln.
43. My mom's side has primarily consisted of really poor people from Poland and England.
44. I have a long lineage of sailors on both sides. And because of this I feel that I should be allowed to say as many bad words as I can, as much as possible.
45. I also link that lineage to my seemingly evolved iron stomach. I have been hung over maybe only twice in my life. I do not test this much, however.
46. I have allergic reactions to pretty much all soap.
47. I have an extreme phobia of germs.
48. Before I moved to the south I thought "sweet tea" was the raspberry flavored lipton.
50. When I was in college (at Maryland) I worked the "late night" shift at the cafeteria. My best friend Nicole and I scooped ice cream. We always had the longest line.
51. I currently have a huge crush on my 3rd grade boyfriend.
52. I'm obsessed with lol cats, and marriedtothesea.
53. I hate running.
54. I love flip flops and cowboy boots.
55. I've never so much as put "sun-in" in my hair. And recently some young snot that works in a salon told me that it is virtually impossible to be over 30 and still a natural blonde. I've got less than 5 years, that chick is going DOWN!
56. I like R.E.M. -sorry Mike
57. I once wrote a 30 page art history research paper in 2 days. I had to stay up for two full nights. I got an A on it. We can chalk this up as another success story in the history of ADD medication.
58. I have 3 birth marks.
59. I've got an ever-growing admiration for folksy sounding country music.
60. When I was in middle school I got made fun for my larger lower lip. The boys told me that when I died, they would cut if off and use it as a speed bump. It upset me a lot then. Now I think my lips are hot.
61. I almost got a tattoo once. Had my money in hand and knew what I wanted, and the guys at the shop told me I couldn't get it the way I wanted, so I didn't get it. Haven't gotten the nerve to go back to a tattoo place...yet?
62. I listen to words more than melody.
63. I've been told that I snore quietly.
64. My left arm is over two inches shorter than my right.
65. I listen to NPR.
66. Things touch me differently from others. I can easily be moved to tears by a TV commercial.
67. I wear men's deodorant. I'm not a big sweater, but that crap for women doesn't cut it.
68. When I was in high school I wore men's Polo Sport. I like masculine smells.
69. I was born on the cusp between Aries and Taurus. According to some calendars, 4:20 is the last day of Aries, to others it is the first day of Taurus. I see both of those in me oddly enough. And equally. It is a sea-saw between stubbornness and thoughtfulness...between loud and quiet...and sometimes between rage and soft tears: schizophrenically different emotions.
70. My middle name is from my Grandmother: Elizabeth.
71. I was supposed to be called "Kathy" instead of Katie. My parents had agreed on it, and whilst coming to after her emergency C-section, my mother heard my father on the phone telling everyone about "Katie!" This could be why they're not married anymore. lol
72. I want to birth only boys.
73. I hate lima beans.
74. I love kisses on the forehead.
75. 66.6% of my cars have been Mazdas.
76. I am a red lipstick or chapstick only type of girl.
77. My shoe size is 6.5
78. I wax my own eyebrows.
79. I love the Clintons.
80. I hate being cold.
81. I was an honor roll student in high school. The only "C" I ever got was in grad school. I think I cried, but I kind of needed a good kick in the ass at that time.
82. My cat is pretty much like my child.
83. When I was in elementary school I'd get made fun of for being so blonde. The boys would call me an albino.
84. I don't drink coffee.
85. I hate how a lot of members of my generation think it is no big deal to be late or totally flake out when something is planned.
86. I love cheese/all things dairy. But I'm trying to quit.
87. I've only gotten one speeding ticket. It was in Starke, FL (which I later found out was the "speed trap capital of the nation"). It was for $250. I drove 3 hours to fight it and the cop never showed up. :)
88. I am a serial reader.
89. I like red things. Especially red furniture.
90. Mosquitoes absolutely love me.
91. I have been wearing a jade bracelet for two years now. At the beginning it was supposed to test out whether or not I could handle having a tattoo...something on the body, at all times, clashing with outfits, etc. Now it is symbolic of more.
92. I am obsessed with skin care products.
93. If I never set a finger on a PC again I'll be happy. Mac all the way.
94. My least favorite month of the year is February. Lots of people I love have died this month. And Valentines day is also during that month. I've never had a good Valentines day experience. This past year, my now ex-boyfriend didn't send or do anything for me on the 14th (he lived in Miami). He stated that he "didn't think I was into that kind of thing" (!?!?!?!) and then begrudgingly sent me flowers on the 15th. My step-dad felt bad that I'd gotten nothing on Valentines day so he hurried to CVS to get me a box of chocolate. The first month after we broke up, ex-boyfriend sent me flowers every week (see above photo). To little too late buddy.
95. I have extremely oily skin.
96. In college I was part of a fake sorority. We called ourselves Beta Delta Kappa Alpha (Badunka) and would go out the same night as the real houses and chalk up the sidewalk. While Tri-Delta would advertise their annual ice cream social, we'd entice people to come ride camels in the cafeteria. We even made shirts and had sorority colors: ebony and black. Our flower was a dandelion.
97. If I was stranded on a island with access to only seven things, they would be a knife, rope, an infinite supply of wine, chapstick, lotion, toothpaste, and Vince Vaughn. He'd keep me busy making me laugh and we could spend lots of spare time populating the island.
98. I am 18% body fat.
99. I am a piler. I pile things up. It drives my parents crazy, but pretty much know what you can find in each pile.
100. The clock in my car doesn't work and I don't wear a watch...so I can never leave my cell phone at home.
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So if I keep my nails short can I come over and watch war movies with you?
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