...I've noticed that I only write with inky black pens. I've been doing it now for years. Never pencil. Pencil would be against nature. Flowing black ink mimics life and reality in a beautiful way. Once it is there, there is no way of getting rid of it. You can make a mistake and cross it out, but the hiccup will still exist. Depending on the style and magnitude of the crossing out, you will more or less still be able to see your mistake. An event that occurred will always have occurred no matter if there is an attempt to camouflage. Black ink tells the truth."
nice photo dear. this is a good one.
This was such a great voicemail to get.
You and I are growing, my friend. It's so hot.
Is it weird that I miss you terribly just because I know you're in Florida?
We're so gay, man.
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