"If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone."
-John Maxwell
As always happens with heart to hearts with
Love, I've gained a new outlook on recent (and maybe not so recent) events in my life.
I came to her absolutely lost and completely empty. I had no idea how to fix the way I felt...feel.
"I'm going to be brutally honest," she began, after about 45 minutes of our conversation. Her eyes were wide as though they said "brace yourself." She told me, kinder than she should have, a pattern that she has noticed in my life. I have a tendency to try to alter my life for the the greater good of things which are beyond my control. Things that I really haven't the ability to change or aid. And she is absolutely right. "You give too much of yourself, and then there isn't anything left for you."
"Thanks," I said tearing up in the middle of the PF Chang's bar (which tends to happen always in public places), "I think needed to hear that."
"I'm sorry." She didn't need to say that.
I do need to change some things about myself. Maybe lots of things. Probably lots of things. I need to start thinking about myself and myself alone. And economy or no economy, things are going to be different.
Things NEED to be different.
Things will be different.