"I can see you smiling baby, I don't even need to see your face."
-The Avett Brothers
"As soon as we start putting our thoughts into words and sentences everything gets distorted, language is just no damn good-I use it because I have to, but I don't put any trust in it. We never understand each other."
-Marcel Duchamp
All images are copyright Katie Wright
don't know how i feel about this one yet. i like it but feel it is a bit forced. that being said i like how there is an 'after image' for lack of a better term, of another presence, like a ghost. like fog on a window from breathing, you konw some one was there but you cant see them. residual is all that comes to mind. ok so maybe i like this one alot.... i don't like how, i think they are his feet, are right next to no another. i would like ti better if they were like the other feet a bit more random.
and you need to tag all these with the word 'feet' or something so i can look at them with out haveing to search for them!
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