I walked into the MVA this morning ready: My checkbook in hand and Tracy in my line of vision. Yes Tracy. You know its bad when you know the MVA employees by name.
Tracy was the MVA employee who had the unfortunate duty of informing me that (AFTER 2 FULL WEEKS OF WAITING FOR THEM TO SCAN 2 DOCUMENTS) I would have to pay sales tax on the value of my car...EVEN though I don't own it...and also despite the fact that I only have 8 more lease payments. Initially this figure was over $800. My Mazda3 is a 2006...suddenly I wished I drove a 2001 KIA. However, due to the fact that I had already been paying sales tax in my monthly lease payments for 2 years and 7 months, this figure was lowered to about $480. On Friday, Tracy informed me that I would be paying this amount plus a few other registration fees, and that in the end I would need to hand over a cool (roughly) $670 to the state of Maryland.
Because I just have that lying around.
It took every ounce of me to not start sobbing until I was at least out of the lobby.
Today Tracy knew who I was without me saying a word. "Heeeeey, there!" She shot sympathetically (!?!?!?!) as I walked up to her...without getting a number first. Yeah thats right. I didn't bother even waiting in that initial line when you walk in to get your E-11 or B-14s. I knew Tracy. AND after being there 5 times this month, I'd like to think that I've got it like that.
She didn't protest. She walked to the back and got the needed documents, and upon her return I tried to make light of the situation.
"Tracy, I'm gonna need to see some changes around this state. This is about three quarters of my income this month (which is why I am waitressing! YAY!!!! But thats for another blog), and I'm going to be pissed every time I hit a pot hole in my car. There better be no more crime in this state, and goddammit, I better see higher test scores in the Anne Arundel county public schools.
Ok so maybe I didn't say "goddammit," I was trying to be nice after I'd pretty much ripped her a new one on Friday.
"Ha! The only thing you might see is a new security detail for the governor," she laughed. "Oh and hey-For an extra fee, you can get one of these nice little "Treasure the Chesapeake" license plates..."
Touché Tracy. Tou-f-ing-ché
So yeah...$658 (hey $12 savings!!!)
plus $46 for the MD license
plus $59 for the MD inspection
$763...oh my god.
I then filled my stepdad's gas guzzling car up with fuel and happily (?) drove home. I put my new plates on and stuck my shiny new stickers on. I went upstairs to fetch a new CD for the ride to work. Elated, I settled down into the drivers seat.
And then it didn't start.
My car was a little rusty after sitting unused in my driveway when I was in Morocco -- give it some love and sweet vibes and it should be fine. Suggestions include inserting body parts into the gas tank (not what i did) or getting out and kicking the tires while letting lose a stream of expletives (what I did)
Why is it always so f-ing COMPLICATED to do the RIGHT THING?
I have to get the emissions tested, and then I found out that you can't pass if you have the Check Engine Light on in your car. The CEL's been on since Thanksgiving of LAST year. I had it checked out, and they said it would "turn itself off." So, now I've gotta pay to get the sucker checked again, get whatever needs fixing fixed, all so I can drive the thing to get the e's tested.
ANNOYING. This is the shit that makes me want to be a libertarian. I'm all for cleaner air, but let's work on public transportation and lowering factory emissions before you come after my fucking car.
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